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VIEW MY RESUMEActively involved in the formation and running of the Vietnam Fraud Team for FE Credit. Helped achieve 99% recall in photo frauds, and a 58% increase in recall in text frauds purely through data collection and cleaning. Helped set up an in-house annotation tool called FATS (Face Annotation Tool System), annotated more than 100k images, by managing and mentoring a team of over 20 in-house annotators from various external agencies. Performed QA for compliance check and document verification in NID cards and banking sectors in Vietnam. Ensured excellent quality of data for AI training and testing. Determined the methodologies and procedures for carrying out effective data analysis.
Helped improve the accuracy for binary classification models of liveness, blur, glare and black & white detection of Indian ID cards(Aadhaar, PAN, etc.) by generating model performance reports. Experience in data annotation, maintenance, and reporting in an information management system or complex database. Worked with the development teams and clients to identify, document and correct data quality issues. Actively monitored deployed projects to ensure proper functioning, identified anomalies and edge-cases, communicated the same with internal teams and ensured maximum coverage.
Longest Wordle streak
Cricket Matches I watched
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